You Know It’s the End of the School Year When…

My kids haven’t had homework in over a week, they’ve been coming home with pictures they drew at Christmas, and they seem to have a field trip or special activity every time I sneeze.

This can only mean one thing.

It’s the end of the school year.

Parents, I know you can relate.

During this time of year, the bedtimes slide a little later, the clothes get more wrinkled, and the snack supply dwindles. Who says sugar packets aren’t a healthy snack?

You also know it’s the end of the school year when you search Pinterest for a unique teacher’s gift only to come to the conclusion that your child’s teacher does desperately need another mug that says “best teacher”.

I don’t know about you, but when it gets to be this time of year, I’ve checked out of the lunch making game too. I’m sure whatever they’re serving in the cafeteria is just fine. The thought of making another ham and cheese sandwich and trying to fit everything in the lunchbox perfectly so the banana doesn’t get squished is just too much pressure to handle at this point in the school year.

I also know it’s the end of the school year because waking my kids up gets harder each day closer to the last day of school. They protest and look like “grumpy cat” every morning. But, I know once the first day of summer vacation rolls around they’ll be awake before 7 a.m., no matter how late they’ve gone to bed the night before. How annoying!

It’s also the time of year when you realize your kids will be around the entire summer…let me repeat…THE ENTIRE SUMMER. What are you going to do with them for over two months besides hearing “I’m bored” more times than you’ll ever hear those words again (at least until next summer)?

For some of us, it’s summer camp to the max, for others, your home is a 24/7 camp with endless snacks and activities.

Either way you slice it, summers aren’t all sandcastles and water balloon fights. Siblings get on each other’s nerves, kids annoy parents, parents annoy kids, all while sweating and getting sunscreen in your eyes…it’s a beautiful thing.

Although sibling battle royales have led me to threaten to send my kids to separate summer camps countless times this year, I know we’ll make it work just as we do every summer. They’ll be doing some camp things, but most of the time they’ll be at “Camp Mom” because let’s be honest…camp ain’t cheap.

They’ll be days when I’ll lock myself in my room to meet a deadline, praying my kids don’t scratch each other’s eyes out in the other room. But, then there were will great beach days with friends that will make us smile. It’s all part of the deal.

Parents, stock up on the wine and scrounge up those last few snack bags of Goldfish for the lunch box, it’s about to get real. Enjoy the remaining days of school. Embrace every night you have to tell your kids “it’s a school night” because they’ll be home before you know it!