Hey everyone! This week I’m co-hosting The Shine Blog Hop with Jennifer from The Deliberate Mom . She has a fascinating blog about her stories of parenting, homeschooling, and mommy life in general. I’m very excited to be working with her this week to explore other blogs and help introduce you to them all. Sit, back, relax and shine on!
Welcome to the twenty-third edition of the SHINE Blog Hop! I’m continually impressed by the creativity, diversity, and quality of the posts that have been shared here every week… so thank you for stopping by to SHINE!
I would like to begin by extending a warm welcome to this week’s co-host Kristina, from The Mommy Rundown. Kristina’s blog is full of mommy stuff and I often find myself chuckling or nodding along with her posts. Please take a moment to visit Kristina and/or follow her on her social media sites.
Kristina | The Mommy Rundown can be found on:
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom can be found on:
{Facebook} {Pinterest} {Instagram} {Google+} {Twitter} {Bloglovin}

<div align="center"><a href="http://thedeliberatemom.com" title="The Deliberate Mom" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j452/deliberatemom/ShineBlogHop-250.jpg" alt="The Deliberate Mom" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
If you would ever like to co-host a SHINE Blog Hop, just send an email to Jennifer: deliberatemom{at}gmail{dot}com
So without further delay, here are the top viewed posts from last week’s SHINE Blog Hop:
My Face: Bilingual Spanish Worksheets – Busy Mom Monologues
Instead of Asking Why Me? – Donna Reidland
First World Problems – Maple Brown Sugar
Congratulations to all of you! Featured posts will be shared on all of The Deliberate Mom’s social media outlets!
This week’s randomly selected featured post is:
Sharing Our Blessings – Oh, Honestly
If you would like to help spread the word about the SHINE Blog Hop, we would be so grateful!
So are you ready to get this party started? We invite you to grab the beverage of your choice, take a comfortable seat, and let your best posts SHINE! It’s time to bask in the glow of this amazing community of bloggers!