10 Reasons Why I Love Being a SAHM

It’s funny sometimes how certain twists and turns in life land you in a place you never thought you would be. I find this to be true as I navigate through this SAHM journey that I’m on. As I’ve said in previous posts, I never ever thought I would stay-at-home everyday, take my children to play dates, story times, plan educational activities throughout the day, etc. I thought I would work, someone would take care of my kids and I would just deal with them at night and on the weekends. Well, it’s mind-blowing how people so small could have such a powerful impact on my life.

After the birth of my first daughter, I worked. I was fortunate enough to have family members care for her. I did activities with her on the weekends and spent as much time as I could after work. Of course, I was still missing precious moments. It sucked.

During my maternity leave with my second daughter, I began to think about how wonderful it would be to be able to stay home with my kids. Truth be told, I felt like I was in a rut at work and something had to give. I was truly happy (though sleep-deprived) during my maternity leave and didn’t want it to end. Luckily, it didn’t. My husband and I figured things out so we could make it work. I am fortunate enough to say it has.

Sure, it has its ups and downs, just like every other job out there, but I can honestly say I am happy. Don’t get me wrong, I do my share of complaining and yelling. It’s sometimes not easy hanging out with people all day who think maps and monkeys can talk. It’s also hard to digest the fact that I don’t make my own money and don’t have a “real” job. In all reality, what I do everyday is a real job. It’s not easy to play cook, nurse, social worker, entertainer, chauffeur, and play arts & crafts guru all in one day.

As I hit the three year mark on this journey, I began to think about why I like doing what I’m doing. Here’s a short list:

1. Being home after school – Now that my daughter is in “big kid” school, it is so nice to pick her up and hear first hand about all she did and learned.

2. Playing & Teaching– It’s great to have the time to play Barbies, or do a puzzle, or play doctor’s office with my kids.  It’s also wonderful to carve out time to work on reading and writing. This is perhaps the best because this is when I feel like I am really making a difference.

3. Activities– Although we’re not into too many things yet, it’s nice to know I have the freedom to allow my kids to do certain activities (within reason).

4. Being able to pursue other passions– Someone used to tell me, “find your passion, and follow it”. Well, when you work full-time and have kids, that’s pretty impossible. But, when you don’t have to work a 9-5, there is extra time to pursue other interests. For that, I am grateful.

5. Avoiding the Saturday rush– Because I’m around during the week, I have the privilege of doing errands when stores and such are less crowded. Let me tell you, it is fantastic! I actually don’t go near a mall or store on a Saturday!

6. Appointments with ease– Just like avoiding the Saturday rush, it’s easy to make doctor’s appointments for the kids and for myself.

7. Summer– Sun & fun, need I say more?

8. Meeting up with other SAHMs– I’m lucky to have a couple of other friends who are also home with little ones. It’s nice to get together, let the kids play and have some adult time all at once.

9.Being home for the sickies & snow– Nothing is worse than leaving a child when he or she is sick. It is also no fun trying to figure out who will stay with that sick child if you can not. The same can be said for bad weather. There were no “snow days” where I used to work. I used to dread having to go out in the bad weather and figure out who could trudge over to watch the kids.

10. Being thrifty– I have never met a coupon I didn’t like. I love sales and discounts of any kind. Being a SAHM forces you to look for that extra deal and coupon. I know it sounds strange, but I get a little rush when I get a real good deal. I’m a nerd, I know.

So, there’s my little list. I know not everyone is cut out to be a SAHM, and I totally respect that. Trust me, I know where you’re coming from. For those of you who are SAHMs, what do you enjoy most? least?


16 Comments 10 Reasons Why I Love Being a SAHM

  1. Remy

    I was forced to be a stay at home mom, when my husband joined the Army. It was really difficult to keep a job while he was deploy and I need it to take care of my children.

    Now I love it, I can take care of my children and spend more time with them.

  2. MB

    As a SAHM for almost 13 years (the past 2 years, I’m sort of embarking on a WAHM journey), I totally agree with the reasons you listed. And even though I knew I wanted to stay home with my kids, there was a strong feeling that I wouldn’t be able to do so.

    My daughter has some special needs so I am grateful that I was able to be home, especially when she was younger and required several different therapies and extra attention beyond what’s required. And I’m happy that I really feel like I know my kids so well and have that bond with them that allows me to encourage their independence.

    Also, it’s really given me the chance to figure out what I really want out of life career-wise. For two years, I was an editor of a magazine and now I’m seriously considering starting a business out of my home. That way I can be flexible and still be around for my kids.

    I agree with you — not for everyone, but as moms, we must make the best choices for us individually.

  3. Samantha

    I absolutely love being a SAHM for many of the same reasons you do. When I was working full time all of my time spent with the kids seemed so rushed and I would always have to leave work because of a sick child and bosses never seem to understand. #Shine blog hop

  4. normaleverydaylife

    I’ve loved being a SAHM for 18 years. All of mine are in school now and it’s a well kept secret how wonderful it is to be able to pursue your passions during the day. I have a lot of fun blogging, painting, doing projects, reading, cleaning, meeting friends…and the list could go on. I like being “done” with my things during the day before the kids come home from school. Evenings are busy with dinner, sports, activities and spending time together. I think every mom should stay home as long as they want to and are able to! Glad you’re enjoying it, too! #shinebloghop

  5. Chelsea @ The Contented Wife

    This is a great list! I’ve home now for about a year, and I wouldn’t trade a day. I love being home with my baby! It’s hard to say just one favorite, but I love the fact that my husband and I are truly the primary caregivers for our boy and he will be raised by US.

  6. Anne Marie

    I love your list! I have done both working and staying home and as stressed out and unchallenged as I was as a SAHM, I miss it! I hate having to carry around my phone paranoid that day care will call with a sick kid. I hate missing all of the cool day time events. I wish I could figure out a way to make it work for me once again!

    Thanks for sharing with the #SHINEbloghop!

  7. Carolina Brenes

    It is amazing how having kids changes your life. It happened to me too. I have a daughter and I stay at home with her. I am so greatful I can do this – there’s nothing like being there.
    I love your post! I never gave it much thought but now that I read it those are some of the reasons why I love being a SAHM.

  8. Tiffany @ A Touch of Grace

    Great post! I am not a SAHM, but I work PT, which is a nice balance. I’m hoping some day we’ll be able to afford for me to stay home. It’s such a blessing to be there with them for all of their young lives. They are only little for a few years after all.
    Thanks for co-hosting the Shine Blog Hop!

  9. Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom

    I love being a stay-at-home-mom! It’s tough work but is it ever worth it!

    There are so many positive aspects of it… I especially love your point of pursuing passions. I wouldn’t be able to partake in NaNoWriMo right now if I were working.

    Thanks so much for sharing (and for co-hosting the #SHINEbloghop with me),

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  10. Misty

    I love just being home. I love that my kiddos don’t have to worry about who is picking them up, who is going to be home with them when their sick, and who is going to help them with their schoolwork. I also love that my husband doesn’t have to worry about being home to get the kids, and can focus on work. I think that is a benefit many overlook! Great post, stopping over from the Shine Blog Hop 🙂

  11. Debbie

    Complaining and yelling is part of being a good Mum, as it doesn’t set an unrealistic example of Mumhood to our children…After all what Mum never gets stressed?

    I never thought I would say it, but I enjoy being a SAHM. It isn’t that I was career minded or anything like that, it was just that I wasn’t overly keen on children and never envisaged myself having any.

    Money has been tight, but I’ve been there all the way for my children and to me that has been more important.

    When the children were older I did have a summer job in the tourist trade, but none that meant the children were left for any length of time and it was just for the summer.

    When they were younger I loved reading with them and playing with them. Guiding them when they needed it and leaving them to work things out when they didn’t. If I worked then someone else would have done that and I wouldn’t have been happy with that.

    They are both teenagers now and I still love being there for them…Although I am sure that sometimes they would rather I wasn’t!

    Popped over from #SHINEbloghop.

  12. Anne Krietlow

    You and I might be soul sisters. I have 4 girls and tried working for about 10 months on a different shift than my husband to bring in some extra income and so there would always be someone home with the children. His parenting skills improved but it just didn’t work out well. At. All. I’m so glad to be back home. I can’t imagine that I will ever work outside of the home again.

    1. Kristina Cappetta

      Obviously I know the feeling. It’s hard sometimes, but I think it’s better for the kids if one parent can be home. These days though it’s so hard, so I feel fortunate that we can do it for now. Thanks for stopping by!


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