Are Your Kids in Activity Overload?

Soccer practice. Dancing. Gymnastics. Piano. How many activities are your kids involved in? More importantly, how many different practices and games are you rushing off to each and every week? Just thinking about it probably makes your head spin.

Have you ever thought of “slow parenting”? Have you actually ever heard of “slow parenting”? I can tell you I hadn’t until I read a recent Boston Globe article. Basically slow parenting means not overscheduling your kids so they and you are not running around like you’re on fire. It means letting them (and you) have time to just hang out. It means spending time playing outside, going to the beach, and doing loads of other things that don’t require practices and recitals.

Crazy, I know.

But, in this case crazy is good. At least I think so.

I’ve heard so many parents lately complaining, or possible even bragging about, how many different activities they’re bouncing to and from seven days a week. Soccer, dancing, gymnastics, softball, piano…you name it and they’re kid is into it.

Or are they really?

Are we forcing our kids to get into everything?

I’m all for letting kids try things out to figure out where their true passions lie. But, I think as parents we need to draw the line for them and for our own sanity. We don’t need to spend our weekends running from activity to activity. It’s okay to have some down time.

My five-year-old daughter already comes home from school with fliers for all kinds of activities. Of course, she wants to do them all. But, I was the “mean” Mom who told her to pick two.

So, we settled on soccer and Girl Scouts. Soccer only has one practice and one game a week. So, that’s only a two-hour commitment. Girl Scouts is once a week which equals one hour. All in all, we’re only committed to activities three hours a week. That still leaves plenty of time for play and for Mommy to take a breath.

I know as my younger daughter gets older juggling both girls’ activities is going to be more challenging. But, I’m going to try to stick with the “two rule”. They can change their two activities each season if need be. But, I don’t think my wallet or my sanity can handle much more.

When it comes to activities it should be quality over quantity. There’s nothing wrong with letting your child try new things. But, once they find a couple of activities they truly enjoy, let them excel in those rather then have them dipping into five others.






How Much Time Do You Spend Playing With Your Kids?

“Mommy, can you play with me?”

I hear these words either more times than I can count in one day or not any at all.

It’s weird.

Some days my kids, or more so my younger daughter, want to play with me 24/7, other days, they don’t even know my name.

It’s weird.

They like playing together, but sometimes they want me too.

There are days when I feel like I’ve spent all my time playing. That means I’m ignoring the clothes that need to be put away, the toilets that need to be scrubbed or the dishes that are whispering my name from the sink. I’m surprised those dishes aren’t screaming at me by now since it feels like I’ve been ignoring them for so long.

There are days when I can spend hours playing “Go Fish”, “Crazy 8’s”, Barbies, or even school. It still amazes me that my daughter wants to play school after being in school nearly all day, but she does.

We play.

They’re happy.

I’m happy too but sometimes I’m secretly twitching on the inside, thinking of all the things I probably should be doing rather then pretending I’m in a student in my daughter’s Kindergarten class.

I know there will be days when my kids will probably not want anything to do with me. So, I should cherish these days when they actually want to spend time with me. Right?

Then why do I feel like there are days where I’ve done nothing at all? Having only a few “Go Fish” wins under my belt and one beautifully dressed Barbie seems like anything but a productive day. At times, it feels like I’ve even wasted my day. There is still a list of chores that need to be done, articles that need to be written, e-mails that need to be answered, etc.

When these feelings start creeping up, I try a little game with my girls. I play something of their choice for awhile, praying it’s not school! After a half hour or so, they have to let Mommy do what she needs to do. This little pattern continues until I feel somewhat accomplished for the day. It’s all about finding balance, right?

I stay home with my girls so that I can spend extra time with them and help them as much as I can, but I don’t want to lose myself in the process. While it may sound a little selfish to some, I think those of you who are in the same boat know what I’m talking about.

So, how much time do you spend playing with your kids? How do you find a balance?






Getting Kids to Eat Healthy

We all know how hard it can be to get your kids to eat healthy. No matter how you try to sell it, sometimes they would rather go to bed early than eat their fruits and veggies. As a mom, this can become extremely frustrating. We all want our kids to eat right, but at times it seems impossible.

So what’s a mama to do?

Well, here are a few ways to get your kids on the right eating track:

1. Eat by Example

If junior doesn’t see you eat any fruits or vegetables, chances are he isn’t going to want to eat any either. When it’s snack time, encourage a fruit or veggie by sitting down and eating one with your little one. This will not only help them, but also help you eat healthier too!

2. Make it Look Good

If it doesn’t look good enough to eat, chances are your kids are not going to eat it. Sometimes making a smiley face out of apples and blueberries may make a fruit plate look more appetizing rather than just throwing it on the dish. Another idea is to find healthy foods in great packaging.

Chobani Tots

Chobani Tots


Chobani Greek Yogurt, which I love for smoothies, is also available for kids. Chobani Tots & Chobani Kids is one of those products that looks fun for kids. Many of the Chobani products for kids have fun characters and are good for on the go. This makes it a win-win for both moms and kids!



Chobani Kids

3. Sticker Charts

When my daughter wasn’t eating enough fruits and veggies, her pediatrician suggested keeping track of exactly what she was eating everyday. Each time she ate a fruit or veggie, she got a sticker on her chart. My daughter loved seeing how many stickers should could rack up by the end of the week. Once and awhile I would reward her with something small like a coloring book. Sometimes a little incentive goes a long way!

4. Take Unhealthy Snacks Out

If your child opens a cabinet and only sees cookies and chips, you can pretty much expect that’s what they’re going to want to eat. Why not stock the fridge and pantry with healthier options? This way they have plenty of good food to choose from instead of just junk.

Besides these tips, get creative and see what works for you and your family. If you get them on a healthy eating track now, you’re setting the pace for a lifestyle full of good food and habits.

How do you get your kids to eat healthy?

Overheard at Bedtime Prayers

About a year ago, I decided it was time to start having my girls say prayers at night. We go to church every week, but I honestly don’t know how many prayers are being said in between coloring and shoving goldfish down their throats. I figured night time would be best since it is the quietest and most low key part of our day.

Although we go to church, I can’t say I’m an overly religious person. That’s why when it came to saying prayers, I was looking for a little guidance from above. I knew we were going to start with the sign of the cross. After that, I honestly drew a blank! I knew we could go into an “Our Father” or “Hail Mary”, but I didn’t want my girls to just memorize and recite a prayer. I wanted it to mean something and come from their little hearts.

As I sat in bed with them, I guess God was answering my prayer when he gave me a little inspiration. For some reason I told them to start this way:


“Dear God,

Keep my family safe. Thank you for everything.”

Then I told each of them to think of one special thing to be grateful for each night.

This is where it gets interesting.

“God, thank-you for letting me FaceTime my (fill in the blank with the family member.)

“God, thank-you I had ice cream today.”

“God, thank-you I colored today.”

“God, thank-you we went to the movies and ate popcorn today.”

“God, thank-you I went to my friend’s house today.”

“God, thank-you I pooped today.”

“God, thank-you I played with chalk today.”

“God, thank-you I made cookies with my mom today.”

“God, thank-you I watched Peppa Pig today.”

“God, thank-you I played with my Barbies today.”

And the list goes on. These are just some of the ones that stick out because they are so sweet, innocent, and funny sometimes. I don’t know how many adults thank God that they poop everyday!

Although they give me a good laugh, I know they are really thinking about what to be thankful for, and for that I am thankful. In the end, the little things truly are the big things and that’s all that matters.

Finding the “Mommying”/Writing/Blogging Balance

When people ask what I do my immediate response is, “I stay home with my kids.” But, besides wearing all the hats that being a stay-at-home mom requires, I also have more on my plate…blogging and writing. As a freelance writer, I take on as many decent writing assignments that I can find and am constantly look for the next interesting opportunity. Anyone out there who is a freelance writer knows how time consuming this is on its own. Try adding two kids to the mix and it can be downright impossible some days. There are days when I think working like a “normal person” would be easier for everyone involved. Then I remember all the things my kids and I can do because I stay home. This usually keeps me grounded. That, and my writing.

So, getting back to the writing. How do you become a successful blogger/writer while staying home with the kids? Well, if I had the perfect recipe, I would definitely share it with you! I don’t. What I do have are some answers that can make it work and make it rewarding while making you some cash in the process. After more than three years at this thing, I’ve come up with strategies and ways of getting it done. Check them out:

1. The older the kids, the better. I can tell you it helps immensely that my kids are older now…ages 3 and 5. No more bottles or diapers. No more picking things off the floor and eating them. No more trying to climb every piece of furniture in the house. No more midnight feedings, which means more sleep. Yes, they still need your attention, but you don’t need to have eyes in back of your head. So, if you can get them to play independently for thirty minutes or so, you can get some work done. I tell my girls that I need a little bit of time to write and that means quiet time. This means no screaming or fighting. If they’re good, then we play a game or do an activity together when I’m done.  Eight times out of ten this works! While I may not finish something I’m working on, the time I do get is better than nothing.

2. Write while they sleep. Although it’s great that my kids are older, it also means no more naptime. Naptimes were great to get things done, but not anymore. That means I wait until the kids are in bed. While I would love to veg out in front of the TV and get my Adam Levine fix on The Voice, there are many nights that that can’t happen if I want or need to get things done. Once the kids are sleeping, the second part of my day begins…blogging, writing, answering e-mails, etc. This is usually done till around 10:30. That’s when I get cozy in front of the TV and catch up on all my shows on DVR…that is until I fall asleep.

3. Set a schedule. I used to just write whenever I had some free time. If I had an assignment I would stay awake so I could get it done. That didn’t work. I was tired, cranky, and not a very nice mommy. So, I decided to buy a planner and map out what writing I wanted and needed to get done for the week. Seeing it on paper and designated to a day makes it easier and makes me feel more accomplished.

4. Ask for help. While it’s nice to be able to spend so much time with your kids, sometimes you need to ask for help…even when you don’t have a typical job. If you’re lucky enough to have a family member or a trusted babysitter, designate one afternoon or day a week when they will watch your child so you can get your work done uninterrupted. I did this more than a year ago and it has helped immensely. My kids know every Wednesday is Grandma day and Mommy’s writing day.

5. Put away the phone. This goes for “mommying” and writing. It’s one I still struggle with every day. For some reason, my phone has some weird hold over me…like if I don’t check me email, Facebook, or Twitter every hour or less I will miss something earth shattering. This obsession can be a major distraction while you’re writing. It’s also a big no-no when you are trying to spend time with your kids. I try to check it only a few times a day, but it’s so hard! I kinda wish I never got a smartphone. I never went online as much when it was just my laptop!

The main obstacle to writing and staying home with the kids is feeling like you are ignoring your kids while you’re trying to get your work done. You don’t want to plop them in front of a screen while you’re in front of yours. You need to find a balance that keeps the kids feeling like a priority and you feeling like you are getting your stuff done too. It’s definitely a work in progress!

If you work from home doing something else or are a blogger/writer, what do you do to strike a balance?






Dear Daylight Saving Time, You’re Wreaking Havoc on My Home

Dear Daylight Saving Time,

I know everyone was so happy to see you this week. Truth be told, so was I. I loved the extra hour of sunlight you were bringing at the end of each day. I even bragged in a Tweet that my kids weren’t affected and we were all as happy as peas and carrots.

Fast forward three days and I’m beginning to wish you never came.

You are wreaking havoc on my kids’ sleep schedule!

Every night, my girls can not go to sleep. At all. Did you hear me DST? I said at ALL!

Why? Oh…I don’t know maybe because they see the sun later in the day and they say it’s not “night night” time yet. Maybe it’s because it’s still dark when they were normally getting up and they say it’s not morning yet.  Maybe it’s because I am peeling them out of their beds in the morning (or mine) and they are falling back to sleep on the couch before school.

I know we’re all supposed to be doing cartwheels and sipping lemonade because we are gaining more daylight, but in my house. It has been torture. My kids are so overtired that they’re off the walls because their sleep schedule is so messed up!

If you think I’m the only one cursing your name, think again. I’ve talked to plenty of other mothers whose children have turned into the walking dead because of you. The kids have also developed little attitudes because they’re tired. It’s like puberty came early.  Why don’t you come and play mommy one night in one of our houses? Then you’ll see what we’re talking about.

Once summer rolls around I’m sure I’ll want you to be my BFF again because we can play outside after dinner and enjoy the warm breeze.  At least then we can be more loose with our bedtimes and the kids can sleep until whenever they want without walking around like toddler zombies after school. We won’t be whiney and sound like Caillou’s long lost sibling, because that makes me want to poke my eyes out with a spork. That’s a spoon/fork combo for those of you who don’t know.

Here’s an idea, can you come during a school vacation week next time? At least then we can have one week to get used to you and your crazy sun-filled evenings. I know the chances of that happening are slim to none, but a momma can try.

I know you and your clock forwarding ways are not going to change.

Annoyed & Exhausted,





It’s All About the Showers, the Showers, No Bubble

Giving my kids a bath is one of the things I really loved as a Mom. The toys, the playing, the splashing…so much fun.

Noticed I said loved…past tense.

Yep, that’s right, my girls have moved on.

Both my 5 and 3 year-old daughters are now all about the showers, the showers, no bubble.

Let me rewind a couple of months ago when I introduced my 5-year-old to the shower. I told her this may be a better option on the nights when we wash and condition hair. Since her hair is getting longer it became a real pain in the bubble to get all the soap out.

We did it. My 3-year-old took one too.

They liked it the first time. After that they missed playing in the bath. So we went back to the bath. I went back to hunching over the tub to make sure every nook and cranny was clean and every bubble of shampoo was rinsed.

Of course I complained about it. But, deep down I loved it. It was our little quiet time to talk without interruption. At times I would learn an aspect of their day they didn’t bother to tell me earlier although I was around for hours. That time was sacred. Not anymore.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when my 5 year-old requested a shower totally out of the blue. Her sister followed. I wasn’t going to say no, but I saw the look on rubber ducky’s face. He didn’t like it. Neither did I. My girls didn’t give a quack.

Ever since then, each girl has taken her turn stepping into the shower. They pull the curtain closed and tell me they’re going to get washed all by themselves…even my three-year-old.


So, I stand on the outside, shut out of our otherwise special time.

Did you wash your face? Did you wash your ears? Did you wash your butt?

Yes. Yes. Yes. That’s all they tell me. I do sneak the curtain back to make sure they are scrub a dubbing all the essential parts and everything else in between. Believe it or not, they do a really good job.

Sigh. Sigh.

You would think I would be happy because it’s one thing to cross off my “To Do List”. But, I’m not. Truth be told, I’m sad. It’s just more proof they are getting older. You would think my 3-year-old would indulge me and let me at least give her a bath. Nope. Instead she reminds me she’s getting bigger every day. Geez, can you throw momma a bubble? Afterall,  I did lug you around in my uterus for nine months. Isn’t that the least you could do? Guess not.

It seems as though there’s no turning back now. It looks like rubber ducky and I are on our own.

That’s right little yellow guy, it’s not about us anymore. It’s all about the showers, the showers, no bubble….or ducky for that matter.







Putting the “O” Back in Organization

I am a self-proclaimed organization freak.

Granted a lot of that went out the window once I became a mom. Nevertheless there is nothing like finding a good mess and organizing it.

I know…I’m a freak.

So, let me tell you what gave me a big “O” in the organization department lately…

I was googling some stuff and came across a fantabulous way to organize kids’ coloring books, drawings, paintings, markers, etc.

For the longest time, I had them “neatly” organized in a bin. Oh no no no.

That was embarrassing compared to what I discovered.

Check it out…this was my kids’ coloring bin before.

messy bin

“The Bin” Before…Ugh

Stickers, coloring books, papers, and who knows what else piled in the bin.

How many coloring books are in there?

No idea.

What kinds of stickers?

Kinds that stick.

What type of paper?


Now, I introduce to you my kids’ new coloring station…

"New Bin"...A.K.A. a little slice of heaven

“New Bin”…A.K.A. a little slice of heaven

It’s enough to bring a tear to my eye.

Stickers, coloring books, folders with school work…all neatly organized in a dish drying rack!

I couldn’t believe it when I first saw it.

I would have never thought of using this to put my kids’ things in.

The books not only stand up perfectly, but there’s also a handy dandy utensil cup that can be used to store markers, crayons, paint brushes, etc.

I think I’ve died and gone to OCD heaven.

I can not tell you how happy this made me.

I know, I need to get a life.

But, if you have coloring books and stuff just making a mess, try this little tip.

It seriously will put the “O” back in your organization…at least for awhile.


Why Snow Days Don’t Have to Suck

It is the morning of our fourth snow day in one week.


We all know this is what to expect in winter, but when it comes all at once it’s enough for parents to want to poke their eye out with a spork.

Yes, I said spork…a spoon and fork combo I always used to get in my lunch trays at school.

If you’re a working parent with no real daycare options, snow days can be hell on earth. I remember what it was like for my husband and I to juggle our daughter when I had to be at work at four in the morning in a foot of snow. Again, enough to poke my eyes out with a spork.

But, if you are lucky enough to have the day off too or work partially from home, I’m here to tell you, snow days don’t have to suck.

They can actually be enjoyable.

Here’s why:

Sleeping In

No fumbling around to finish packing lunches. No dumping half of a great cup of coffee down the drain. No brushing your daughter’s hair while she’s brushing her teeth because you need every second you can get before bolting out the door.

None of that.

You can sleep until you naturally wake up or one of your kids comes in your room and jumps on top of you. Whatever the case, you don’t need to rush. You can finish that cup of coffee. Heck, maybe you can have two!


The kids can play, watch TV, have breakfast, and get dressed (totally optional, jammies all day totally acceptable on snow days) when they want.

Not too shabby.

Arts & Crafts & Nails

Bring on the glue sticks and construction paper.

My kids and I are no Martha Stewart, but we haven’t met a craft set we didn’t like. We’ve glued and colored our way through two sets, as well as colored and painted until we ran out. Bring it on Mother Nature, we’ll just keep crafting.

Also, my girls love a good manicure. So, after we’ve washed off the glue and glitter, time for a little nail party!


Nothing says warm and cozy like some fresh baked goods. Although this does nothing for my never ending battle with my muffin top, it’s fun to bake with the kids. My kids love a good batch of brownies or cookies…or both…I do too!

Spic and Span

Snow days are great to get stuff done in the house. While the kids are busy playing, you can get that laundry done and maybe even folded.

I know, amazing.


If you’re really crazy, you may be able to get some vacuuming, dusting, or mopping in too.

I have to say, some parts of my house have never looked so clean.

It’s Showtime…Actually HBO

Okay, so we just upgraded to HBO for a trial period. Let me tell you, it couldn’t have come at a better time! Movies and snow days are like peas and carrots.

We’ve watched “Curious George”, “Rio 2”, and “Dumbo” to name a few. It’s nice to spend some quality time with the kids and just relax with a movie.

Be a Kid

Snow days are great for just playing around and being a kid. Whether you’re building a snow man or squeezing Barbie into a dress that should be a shirt, it’s fun to just play around with the kids. With all the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we sometimes forget how much fun this can be. Knowing you don’t have to run out to appointments or activities really means you can just have fun.


So do you still think snow days suck? I hope not.

When life gives you two feet of snow you don’t make a snow man…you make a snow family.


No Phones at the Table

“No phones at the table.”

That’s my quote. My husband knows it. My kids know it. Even our extended family is aware of it.

Why? You may ask.

Why not?

I grew up in a house where family dinner time meant something. It was a time to talk about your day or any other topic you had on your mind. It was the one time of day when everyone was together, even just for a short amount of time. It wasn’t the time of day to check your Facebook or text messages. Granted, they didn’t exist then (geez I’m old), but you get my point.

Sad to say, family dinner time is pretty much non-existent in many households today. Opposite and crazy work schedules can make family meals impossible. For others, it’s overscheduling ourselves or our family that seems to be the problem. Whatever the case, dinner time ain’t what it used to be. I’m sure many of you agree.

That’s even more reason why we should give our phones a little nappy when actually sit down to dinner with the family. That Facebook video doesn’t need to be watched now. It doesn’t ever need to be watched if you ask me, but I digress. Twitter will still be there in a half hour. That text message that’s dinging incessantly will eventually go away. Don’t worry, it will be waiting for you when you’re done eating your mashed potatoes and corn.

Trust me, it’s hard to resist the urge to set your phone a place at the table. Just because I made the rule doesn’t mean it’s easy for me to follow. I really don’t know why our phones have such a hold over us. It’s an addiction. It’s hard to accept the fact that our phones can wait.

I don’t think the same can be said about our kids or spouses. A little piece of me cringes when parents tell their kids to hold on to that great story they are bursting to tell so that they can finish a text or finish watching a video. The next time, that child may not want to tell their story. Think about that the next time your text messages dings.

So, if you ever have dinner at my house, remember no phones at the table. If you forget, don’t worry, my kids will remind you. They know the rule so well that their play phones don’t even make it over!

How about you? Do you have similar dinner time rules?