(sponsored post)
When it comes to phone technology, I think I was the last person on the planet to get a smart phone. I was walking around with a “dumb phone” for ages. I think Fred Flintstone had better technology than I did. With that said, I have to admit I don’t know how I lived without my little iPhone! I have formed a special relationship with this little piece of technology. I take her everywhere I go, and she even goes to sleep with me to recharge her batteries!
I’ll be the first to admit, when it comes to food, I’m a pretty boring eater. I kinda like to stick with what I know. With that said I envy people who are adventurous when it comes to their food. You know who you are. You’re the kind of people who always order something different when you go out, even if it is at your favorite restaurant. You always like to try something new. Yeah, not me. I’m the type of person who usually has a favorite and sticks with it. I guess you can say I don’t fall under the category “variety is the spice of life.”
Before my daughter learned where I keep the printer paper, it used to last me forever. One package could last for months and months. But now, that is not the case. Somehow, she is using more of it than I am. She seems to be turning into a Picasso who likes to create several pieces of daily artwork. God forbid she uses the same piece of paper more than once. Don’t get me wrong, I love her creativity and would much rather she does this than sit in front of the TV. But, coloring in a coloring book wouldn’t be so bad either.
So the presents are bought (well almost), and now it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty and do some wrapping before the big day. If you’re lucky, you only have to wrap them once and stick a nice name tag on them all and decide whether to put on a green or red bow. But, for a lot of us, those packages have to go a lot further than just under the tree. That means a trip to the post office for some shipping.
‘Tis the season for giving, we all know that. If you’re like me, you’ve probably gotten a lot of things in the mail from charitiesover the past month or so. Mailing labels and cards are always a biggie this time of year. I don’t know about you, but I always feel guilty about keeping those things without sending a little bit of money back. Cards and labels cost money to make and I feel like I’m taking from those who they are trying to help by not giving a little something back in return.
Sometimes the best way to avoid all that awkwardness is to gift to give is food. I mean, really, who doesn’t like to snack? If you say no, then I really don’t think you’re human. After all, we all need to eat! If you don’t know what to choose, there are a lot of yummy snacks out there that are also good for you too. Not everything you put in your mouth automatically has to earn you an hour on the treadmill! There are a lot of places to choose from too, you just really have to decide which way to go. Think about it this way…the gift of food always fits and you never need a gift receipt!