Starbucks Coffee Review

If you know me the least bit, you know I love my coffee. Morning, noon, and night, I rarely say no to a good brew. You could say I’m a bit of an addict, but with two little kids, can you blame me? Add all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and I’m really jolly for java 24/7! Having a nice hot cup of coffee really keeps me going, especially if it’s from Starbucks. Although I love my Hazelnut Macchiatos, I don’t have a barista just waiting to pop out of my cabinet like a jack in the box (what a great idea though!). That’s why brewing a pot of the Starbucks Holiday blend is the next best thing.


Whether it’s a late night wrapping session two nights before Christmas (I know you’re doing it too), or getting goodies together Christmas Eve morning, it’s always great to have a cup of Starbucks Holiday Blend to keep you company while everyone either just fell asleep or hasn’t even woken up yet!



I especially like this blend because of it’s mild taste. I like my coffee, but I don’t like to feel like an elf who’s going to fly off her shelf, if you know what I mean.  That’s why if I’m brewing a pot, it feels okay to go back for seconds…or even seconds and a half!

While I wouldn’t mind keeping the whole pot for myself, it is the season for sharing, so why not raise a mug with a friend!

So, if you want a chance to win a free pound of Holiday Blend to share, leave a comment below until December 30, 2013. I’ll pick a random winner on New Year’s Eve. Good Luck!


Happy Holidays!


*This is a sponsored post



5 Comments Starbucks Coffee Review

  1. April

    You wrap your presents two nights before Christmas? I wait until the night before, it’s the best! Lots of drinking (of egg nog) and family time!

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Holly H

    I am a Starbucks addict, just had some this morning in fact. And, I’m with you, I always have my presents wrapped well before Christmas Eve. I would rather spend that time with family than stressing about wrapping paper and bows!


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