Gearing Up for Winter

   I’ll admit it; I’m not a big fan of winter. I’ll take a day on the beach over a snowball fight any day. But, I know plenty of people who love to hit the slopes as soon as there’s enough snow coating the ground. Kudos to you! I know you guys have to wrap yourselves up in a lot of layers and take a lot of time bundling up and keeping warm.  As with any other activity or outing, you have to put a lot of thought into what kind of outdoor gear you’ll be sporting. There are the hats, the gloves, the scarves, the snow pants, the footwear…the list goes on and on. It’s not like the summer when you can throw on a pair of shorts and flip flops and run out the door!
    From what I hear from a lot of you winter outdoor lovers, waterproof clothing is a staple of your wardrobe. To my summer loving surprise, a lot of those warm and waterproof jackets and other gear are actually stylish. Who knew? Maybe I haven’t been giving winter a fair shake all these years! Maybe one way to warm up to winter is through a shopping trip. What do you think?

1 Comment Gearing Up for Winter

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